Steeldrummers be seated

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Spiceman Emile Borde showcases with his new pan stand the Pan Pal which affords the player all the playing positions especially sitting, a steeldrummer's dre...

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  • Well Done Spiceman! Great Idea. You Should have it Patented!

  • Keep up the blessings

  • Talk to your Chiropracter first. Notice most people who sit at their jobs suffer back pains; people that type all day suffer with their hands.  One must understand that your legs support your spine. When you sit for long periods your back is not supported by your pelvis.  The movement of your arms and fingers are not supported by your spine in the same way they are when you are standing. The strain is directed to other areas of the body.   So please consult a Doctor or someone that has knowdledge before you decide on the use of that kind of stand designed for sitting. A. Joseph

  •  Thanks for your positive input  Andre-Roger Dellevi & Eye 4Pan, I am excited about the relief from strain plus the ease of longer hours of practice for 'Pan Pal' users which has already shown up in both my technique and desire to be creative with the instrument, all serious artists will appreciate this, did I mention this pan stand is also a carrying case on wheels?

  • Nice innovation, RSI's for panist will cause less strain.  Congrats!!!

  • Nice man... you look comfortable which is key... there is no strain on the neck or back from constantly looking down.... cool

  • Here is gift to the steel drum fraternity that I am hoping will eventually read made in  T&T, by our local talent. I  have been advised to run to China & Japan and make some money for myself with my design, but I still hear the late Sir Ellis Clarke's words echoing in my head.." Get Trinidad Sponsorship" I have been soliciting both  government and the private sector for a year now, waiting to release this product any longer is too risky for comfort, the copycats are already engaged thanks to the internet and first to market will be the talk of the town. Long story short, real Trinis please step up for business and pride's sake, we have already given away the drum, Help me keep this in our family the children need a stronger legacy from us all. Contact me for more info ..

                                      email:            Ph. / 310 650-4007

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