Trinidad Carnival 1967

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Super 8 footage of Trinidad Carnival 1967, Port of Spain

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  • Before Bikinis Beads and Bodies

  • I do not remember the clash of 1967, i remember it was 1959. San Juan Allstars played war mass ( to hell and back). Thank God they didn't get to that tank. That year i played with City Symphony, Birds and Insects. I am 71 years young, in 1959, i was 15

  • nice piecwe of history. Hope pantrinbago is putting these videos in their archives.

  • Raffique, if then u had witness the CLASH in 1959, then u was 13, I was 15, I was beating pan with City Syncopators, I did not witness any of this, we were not that close.

  • I can't remember a steelband clash in 1967, I remember the clash in 1959 in front of the hospital with San Juan Allstars/sometype of military mas ,Despers/ noah ark and tokyo, I think san juan allstars ran thro hilanders first

  • Missing: footage of the last big 'steelband clash' that occurred Carnival Tuesday, 1967, on Charlotte St, in front of the General Hospital. It was the only clash I ever witnessed (being a country boy). It was between San Juan All Stars and some POS band (Tokyo? Despers?). I was with friends on the Frederick St side of Memorial Park. It must have been around 3pm and the crowd there was huge. Suddenly, as the two bands crossed each other's paths, I saw 'missiles in the sky'--meaning a huge 'cloud' of bottles, stones, etc. This went on for maybe five to ten minutes, during which the crowd fell back to the grounds of Princess Building. My friends and I just had to go with the flow. At some point we heard what sounded like a lone gunshot. We never got close to the clash to see the wounded (I don't think anyone died), so think was the crowd. I was age 21, a young lieutenant enjoying my first carnival since 1964 (when I left TT for training abroad). Unforgettable. And there were costumes...real mas' to be seen, as well as great road marches. That year, it was Kitch's 'Sixty-Seven'.


    Thanks Val, Jerry your father, was also an artist, journalist, mas’ lover, ancient supporter of “All Stars” and a community organiser in Tacarigua. He and I designed the small Trinidad All Stars flag and your wonderful mother Myra, nee La Crette (God bless her soul), sewed and embroidered it by hand. She was also a staunch pannist who worked at Huggins; she started Pandamonium Steel Orch and then got them to sponsor the band.

         I agree with you, those were great days, long gone but never, ever to be forgotten by any of us who lived them. Even today, decades later, I am overcome with nostalgia when I see that small red, blue and gold embroidered flag still waving at the front of the band on Carnival days.

         Stay up Val and be proud, in our own small way, we are an indelible part of the fabric of this great cultural tradition. ASW  


  • Great video memories of carnival back in the day.

    I hate to criticize however, but I must agree with friend Bede.

    I too was beating pan in '67 (Scarlet Symphony from Marabella) and the video would definitely have been enhanced with some music from 1967 (Starting maybe with Lord Kitchener's classic hit '67?)

    Nothing to do with All Stars, DJ. You know I love my Trinidad All Stars.

    Nice video, though.

  • GREAT MEMORIES!Thanks for Sharing this.My Father,Jerry Serrant,was an A1 'Wire-bender'/Costume-maker in dem days.1967 T&T......ASE-O!   *Hail,Audley...all the best to you & Family.

  • I do not hate any bands out there cause none of the bands of today i favor, it's just that that year 1967 i beat pan with City Symphony and if i had heard tunes from that year i would have feel it more. (no disrespect to u DJ or All Stars)

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