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Pan Conquers Point

Pan stewards and officials dropped the ball last Saturday at the 16th edition of the annual Point Fortin Borough Day Celebration Pan on the Move. 

Most of the participating steelbands were hampered by disc jockeys along the route, who were hesitant t

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Views: 596

Anybody who reads all the articles that PAN TIMES posts on this forum and sees how organized the WHITE STEELBAND MOVEMENT is in America should wake up and see where things are going with PAN GLOBALLY!

Everybody just focused on PANORAMA and bringing PAN back on the road with people pushing like back in THE SIXTIES. And everybody believe the KEITH DIAZ nonsense about PAN TRINBAGO BEING the GLOBAL GOVERNING BODY of PAN. Utter nonsense!!!

Go read all

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Views: 399

KEEP PAN IN CARNIVAL by making it MANDATORY that all Panorama finalists in all categories make and appearance on the road on Carnival Monday or Tuesday or face being discipline.

Many Steelbands in all categories enter Panorama and if they fail to move on to the next round pack up their instruments and wait for appearance and assistance to bands payments and you will not hear from them again until next Panorama. Why can the p

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43 Replies
Views: 1532
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