Should the truth about panorama be told? Are we mature enough to accept the truth? I know if I reveal the facts a lot of people will be hurt. Should I setup myself to be public enemy #1 in the steelband movement by letting it all out. Would it be in the best interest of the movement to reveal the facts at this point in time. Quite a lot has been said on this topic. Most of the opinions expressed are mere subjected ones.What is needed is an objective approach. In the absence of all the facts no concrete and scientific analysis can be made to conclusively determine a workable solution.What we experience at panorama is just a reflection of the state of the steelband movement in the mecca.

Well Cary, let us know the facts? Trinis are always pretending they know something, and honestly, they don't know a damm thing. Historically, trinis never have facts or proof of anything. You reveal the facts Cary, who are you going to hurt? Everybody in trini get hurt by bandits already, what can be worst. The best decision makers in the world hurt many, but in the process, their objectives benefited the majority.. Pan needs to move forward first by having one panorama national champion and not four or five.

Cary, patrick said it all, the whole truth MUST be told so we can move forward. I know that I have no faith in the present administration, and with that 2 vote per band JESUS might come before Diaz go, so say what yuh have to say and let the chips fall where they may.  PT has no respect for the very people they suppose to represent.

To all my Brothers and Sisters in Pan, anything that affects the steelband is of great concern to me and my family,as we take our responsibility toward the development of the art form very seriously.Even as I commend WST for providing this forum for such thought rendering topics, I am of the view that what is needed is a more formal gathering of pan practitioners in particular and pan enthusiast in general where we can arrive at an action plan for immediate implementation to save the steelband from further erosion and to place Pan back to a position of prominence in the land of it's birth. Therefore having said this I am humbly appealing to the powers that be to initiate such a gathering of stakeholders.

The fear and distrust Cary expressed is an example of the repressive climate that continues to stifle Panorama's growth in T&T. Are they so discouraged, that, they are not willing to be open and confront the obstacles?

I often wonder WHY the women of T&T featured in WST annual Celebration of Women in Pan Month are not active in addressing these issues in the Mecca, they express very good ideas in the Q&A but no active involvement or working relationships with Pan Trinbago. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

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  • There is so much talk and little action because THE TRINIDADIANS lack the GLOBAL VISION to take PAN to the world. And as I have said 100 times before on THIS FORUM: The PAN TRINBAGO leadership -- past, present (especially the present with Backward Thinking Tobago Beverley) and future -- they all lack the ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS to even master the LOCAL CHALLENGES facing PAN ... much less THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES.

    But they could talk BIG, eh!!!

    • Claude give Beverly a little chance, you may find out  later on that she is a good choice. Lets see how the North Park will turn out.

  • I understand your point Cary however; there are so much talk and little action. When you have ambassadors such as Andy Narell doing world tours and promoting Trinidad as the birthplace of Pan when Trinidadian pan men/women sit idle at home just waiting for the panorama season to play for a couple months. I lived in Scotland for 5 years and I have seen advertisements’ for Jamaica and Barbados with the background music being pan and these two countries have no true affiliation to the instrument. Pan is over 100 years and still waiting for a manufacturing factory and tourism promotional for Trinidad as the home of Pan. Pan needs to be marketed and played year round, and not just as a side attraction for Carnival. Cary, if I do a YouTube search for you would I find a celebratory production of you playing pan with a legend such as Black Stalin or Relator? Yes, you are in there with Parang but that is seasonal. I want to see you doing promotional productions like Andy Narell and then come back on this forum and testify.

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