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I have a MENTAL EXERCISE for this forum. I am posting a newspaper article and every time you see the word "SPORT" in the article, I want you to mentally replace it with the word "STEELBAND" ...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has appealed to the society at all levels to get rid of the “gimme gimme” mentality and return to the spirit of volunteerism. It’s a most timely message given

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Views: 105

I want EVERYBODY on THIS FORUM to read the PASSAGE BELOW and then tell me how in good conscience you could come on THIS FORUM in January and sing HIGH PRAISES to the PANORAMA PERFORMANCES

To me the real frightening aspect of the "child labour" syndrome is the collusion by these oh so willing parents who "probably" don't realize that they are indeed prostituting their progeny. There are parents who merrily cart their children around fr

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Views: 492