I still believe CHANGE has to START from the bottom UP ... odw!!!
But TRINIDADIANS always believe they could start ON TOP. The bottom TOO LOW for them because it eh have no INSTANT RECOGNITION and INSTANT GRATIFICATION in the bottom.
SANDRA AWAI is the BEST CHOICE for a SPECIFIC FUNCTION that I have ever seen made in my many years of observing PAN TRINBAGO!!! Again, CONGRATULATIONS to SANDRA AWAI and I hope that she gets THE RESPECT and THE LATITUDE from the SUPER-MAJORITY to ful
I was ah mere child when de PAN JUMBY jumped meh! But now, when ah tink back, wha wud one expect coming out of de Land of Calypso, Steelband and Limbo. Yes, sweet Trinidad & Tobago!
I remember my early childhood years in Trinidad as if it was jus
If BEVERLEY promises to assist in the INCARCERATION of DIAZ and SHEPPARD and JOSEPH and FORTEAU for stealing 54 million dollars from PAN TRINBAGO -- I will join her campaign tomorrow.
Although I don't like that 13-member staff she already have lined
People need to be HONEST if you all want this PAN THING to go FORWARD.
After THIS ELECTION, talented people like DUPRES and AMAR and KERON VALENTINE are just going to walk away and turn their backs on this PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION. SHOOT, I eh NOB
Sunday’s Pan Trinbago Elections presents the steelband movement with an opportunity. Beyond the hype, there were some distinct inputs into the electoral process that could potentially contribute to the building of a stronger steelband
On CNC3's the Morning Brew today Hema Ramkissoon spoke with Beverley Ramsey-Moore about the future of Pan Trinbago. She said she is willing to meet with NCC and all stakeholders for the betterment of the organisation.
William Blake a British philosopher- a poet who lived in the period 1757-1827 wrote the following words in one of his poems: “O see a world in a grain of sand/And heaven in a wild flower/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/And eterni
If upon her CORONATION TOMORROW, Beverley agrees to bring in THE AUTHORITIES to investigate FRAUD and the EMBEZZLEMENT of TAX PAYERS DOLLAR$$$ by FORTEAU and JOSEPH and SHEPPARD, I will in turn stop my COMMENTARY and CRITICISM of her ADMINISTRATION.
Marcus Ash has my respect and support, all the right qualities to take this movement FORWARD.
To whom much is given much is expected, he’s been standing on the shoulders of his ancestors both spiritually and biologically, truly LIFTED. He understand
“Why cannot we be honest about ourselves, why can’t we say Shadow you were wronged by the judges, wronged by those who never appreciated the artiste in you or the inspirational content in your music? Wronged
Ah doh know who tell the TRUMP CAMPAIGN that I was involved in some little hometown campaign -- but they find out. Must be the new ambassador they just send down. But next thing I know is that I get ah message today telling me that if I let BEVERLEY