IT WOULD not be an exaggeration to say that Kitchener’s music ruled the road. Apart from winning the Road March five times in the 1970s, his calypsoes were played by the winning Panorama large bands seven times.
SWEET VICTORY: Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra members celebrate reclaiming the large band title at THA Pan Champs on Wednesday evening at Parade Grounds, Bacolet. PHOTO BY DAVID REID - DAVID REID
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - In tandem with the recent article Large Steel Orchestras Take Control of their Live Stream Broadcast and Production, WST (When Steel Talks) touched base with on-air personality and cultural activist Gerelle Forbes, who embo
Calypso music of Trinidad and Tobago was in the air as the PRINCETON UNIVERSITY STEEL BAND performed in concert Dec. 11. The event was the culmination of MUS 231, a course that instructor Josh Quillen said al
Six people would hold us hostage throughout the night. We surrendered all our emotions to them. As if they were Gods as they sat like Kings and Queens on thrones. Vanity surpassed the qu