Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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'We want back we North Stand'

Trinidad Express


Patrons seen at pan-semis at the Queens Park Savannah on Sunday. 

No seats

At 2.30 p.m., there was a meagre crowd at North Park. But by 3.30 p.m., spectators began filling out the two sections.

Patrons in both zones h

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Exodus changes tune for finals

Trinidad Guardian


Republic Bank Exodus durring their semi-final performance of Superblue’s “ Rag Storm” at the Queen’s Park Savannah, on Sunday.


Four-time Panora­ma cham­pi­ons Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus Steel Or­ches­tra has chang

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National Schools Panorama 2019

Meet us at the Savannah!
Congratulations to all schools that participated in the National Schools Panorama 2019 Preliminary Round! We have our finalists and on Sunday 24th February 2019 join us at the Queen's Park Savannah to see which school will t

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Act on North Park concerns


Patrons attending the “Savannah party” on Sunday voiced generally negative reviews, judging from the responses carried in yesterday’s Express.

From the absence of seats for patrons, to apparently excessive exposure to the afternoon sunshine, to the

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Street named after Pro

OJO WORLD Newsfeed


The late Ken Professor Philmore is being honored in his hometown of San Fernando.

Mayor Junia Regrello, in photo, unveiled a street named after Pro, as he was fondly referred to, on Monday morning.

This photo by Naigum Joseph s

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Mas on my mind

by Keith Subero

....The tragedy is that pan, the soul of Carnival, continues to disappear from our mas. It is being reduced to bastard-sister status in Carnival. After the Panorama competition, only a few bands appear on the streets on Jouvert mornin

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Over $2m for unsponsored bands

Trinidad Newsday

UNSPONSORED steelbands received over $2 million from the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts last week. The bands collected their cheques at the ministry’s St Ann’s office.

In prior news reports, steelbands were s

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