Pan Times's Discussions (7519)

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Mayor pays tribute to pan man…

2200709.jpg San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello during a press conference at City Hall, San Fernando. PHOTO BY ANIL RAMPERSAD.

MEMBERS of the pan fraternity turned out in large numbers Monday to bid final farewell to Steve Achaiba, the last captain and arranger

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Music to the ears


Kiran Mehta is a Mumbai-based journalist

Gather notes from every continent at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, Arizona

In the Lesser Antilles section, I feel like I’ve walked into a carnival with a jewel-encrusted outfit on display, complet

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Panorama Preview - UK

Reading All Steel Percussion Orchestra’s Panorama preview performance features international guest percussionist Dito D’Oxossi and Afoxé Ylê De Egbá from NE Brazil.

Panorama Preview
Broad Street East, Reading, Berkshire RG1
Thursday 23 August 2018 5

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Scholar explains his song “Pum Pum”

A 2018 calypso release from eight times Calypso Monarch, Findley “Scholar” Jeffrey in which he blamed Chairman of the Spicemas Corporation (SMC), Kirk Seetahal for the cancellation of Panorama 2017 is causing quite a stir on the island.

Scholar defen

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