Pan Times's Discussions (7519)

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Exocubs back from Argentina today

Trinidad Express

HIGHS AND LOWS: Desmond Waite conducts the performance of the Exocubs Youth Orchestra at a resort during the musical festival at Iguazu, Argentina

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Thirteen children who travelled to Argentina to play the national instrument in a concert are expected to return today.


Some $500,000 towards the trip has been paid by the State, parents and private

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Hell’s Gate Threatens Boycott

Antigua, St. John's - Weeks ahead of Carnival 2012 activities, LIME Hell’s Gate Steel Orchestra has threatened to withdraw from the Antigua and Barbuda Pan Association (ABPA) over ignored concerns about a first place title it shares with the Hadeed G

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Boogsie coming for Jazz Festival


Barbados - Nation News

Composer, arranger and steel PAN virtuoso Len “Boogsie” Sharpe is one of the headliners in an all-star band that will pay tribute in jazz to great music from the Caribbean in the CIBC FirstCaribbean Sugar Isle Jazz Festival.


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Maha Sabha: No pan

Maha Sabha: No pan

'One school approved for national instrument...'

By Julien Neaves

OPPOSITION MP Donna Cox has said only one school was app

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Orphans keep the steel pan music alive

band_room_200_200.jpgby NCN Guyana

Guyana - Orphans of the St. John Bosco Orphanage Plaisance have been afforded the opportunity to keep the steel pan art form alive as the Tina Insanally Foundation moves to fund the initiative.

The foundation’s new band room ensures per

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