audio (1)

i've been asked several times how to create a video for posting on WST or YouTube. For you computer geeks out there this may be simple, but to others it can be challenging.

There is a free program called "Audacity" that I use to convert the album tracks to digital.

I use a USB turntable; you should be able to use a regular turntable if you can connect it to your computer.

I copy each side of the album, then use the program to export and save the individual tracks In a format that can be used , say MP3 or WAV.

Using the info from the record cover I identify each track and copy relevant info (arrangers, tune name and composers etc.)

I use a digital camera to take pictures of the album cover, etc., and upload it into my computer.

You can use any video editing software, but I use Pinnacle Studio 12. I import the audio track, import the pictures (or video) and create a video in a format that can be uploaded to YouTube or WST. I use AVI or MP4.

For creating videos from video tape, I've found that the easiest way is to use a DVD Player/ recorder that can play VHS tapes.

I record the videos one tune at a time until the DVD is full. One DVD can probably take a whole panorama at the two hour speed. ( I use re-writable DVD media, so that if I make an error I can delete and start over.)
Use the video program of your choice to convert from DVD format and save it in a format that can be uploaded. I use AVI or MP4.

I use a program called DVDfab 7.

Your web site of choice will advise you as to how to upload a video to their site.

Some of these programs are commercial programs, but there may be freeware out there that can do the same.

You should be able to Google them for more info.

For those who are not computer literate, forward this info to your friend or relative who is a computer geek, he'll know what to do.

Hope this helps.

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