hosts (1)

November 15, 2011 - The “Pan Buzz” to date



Today I take issue with hosts of Pan shows in Trinidad and their bias. I am asking them to clean up their act. Pan Buzz has led the fight tirelessly in a lot of areas where steelband (and steelpan) development is concerned, and anything to push Pan is my concern. What has been happening, is that I have been getting negative feedback about some radio hosts who are spiting singers or Pan song composers they have problem with.

Come on guys, leave your garbage outside the studio door, and play the music across the board. Last year I set up a Monitoring Unit, and the trend we are seeing is not too nice. On a friendship basis some singers (and composers ) are enjoying healthy rotation of their songs, while others are thrown in the dustbin for some ‘bad mind’ reason. I will not call names as yet, but if this nonsense persists, I will have to go public. This is a gentle warning.

If a Pan show host has a problem with a composer or singer, I don’t see why this should be extended to the man’s music. The Pan world is filled with hypocrisy; there are men who talk about a love for Pan, but yet spite singers and Pan song composers. They know who they are. Now let me make it clear: Pan Buzz don’t owe anybody anything. Pan Buzz only owe the bank... full stop.

However, the Monitoring Unit is already up and running.


Do Something for Pan Song Composers

Pan song composers are subsidizing the Panorama and this can no longer continue. Every year a composer puts out his money and creativity and gets nought for it. So it is high time that Pan Trinbago organises something for these forgotten soldiers of Pan. All they get is congratulations; we cannot go on this way. A few years ago there was the Pan Song Competition, but that has gone the way of all flesh. Pan Trinbago must innovate for Carnival 2012 with ideas to boost the Panorama. You know there is no shortage of ideas with Pan Buzz. Here are just two:

  1. How about the reintroduction of the People’s Choice (voting by ballot), plus Best Dressed Steelband?

  2. A Pan song competition of 10 contestants, followed by the Pan Dance 2012 (both shows as one). You have to give people value for money and make it attractive.

The composer of the most popular Pan song of the competition must be given a cash incentive. Pan Trinbago cannot lose. They must set the pace in ideas and creative solutions with the exercise of some grey matter. Keith “Bald head” Diaz does not have a big head for nothing. Get cracking!



Exciting things are happening in the steelband world.  Len “Boogsie” Sharpe is ready to rock with a CD called Tribute to Sparrow, played on the Percussive Harmonic Instrument (PHI) pan (pronounced fie).

The CD is sweet like Caroni brown sugar. The pan playing is exceptional, as only “Boogsie” can, as he ‘reclothes’ (nice word eh?) songs like Rose, Jane, Memories, Education, Drunk and Disorderly, Dan Is The Man, Royal Jail, Panman (aka Carnival Time), Sa Sa Yay and Saltfish. The name of a young engineer Davis Chow headlines the collectors’ item.  Holy Moses, this CD is awesome.

Another CD that is raising eyebrows is the long-awaited King of the Hill by Jason “Peanuts” Isaac. This CD contains all the big songs like Jamboree, Hard wine, Ruction, Vibes of a Madman, Ten Commandments of Pan and the famous Pan Redemption.

The 2012 song Pan Turbulence is also there. I can’t wait to get my hands on both CDs.


Remember - wherever you are in the steelband world, keep loving up The Pan.

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