The pan Fraternity must be self reliand and Independent.
Pan should no longer be looking for someone to "hold" it's hands, i.e. Government, Corporations etc. to do something
for "pan". It is time to do something for yourself-Lift yourself up, surely pan has made great strides, but it is now time for pan to embrace a "business" first mentality.Skill development is rapidly increasing, instruments have made a heluva of a leap forward, the musical education of panist have reached tremendous heights (reading from music sheets) etc.
It is now time to get down to "business for pan".pan must pull up itself from that colonial cloak, No more hand outs-
It must a. Organize b. Create.& c. manage thyself.
1. You have a headstart- A vibrant organization: Pan trinbago.
2. Create a business model for sustainability.
3. Minimize the internal politics and ignore the environmental politics: Bring together the best and brightest from your
4. Create some strategic alliances from among our nationals.
5. Make "Marketing" the buzz word of the organization.
6. Most important of all: Hire a full time " Commissioneer" A boss man to take the organization to the next and a different
and higher level in the country. Pan needs to gain the respect of the populace at large and this initative can be the
Orvis Noel. Vancouver Canada.
Ex-Gay Flamingoes Manager.