What are the core-values of the pan fraternity in the 21st century?
What are the ethical requirements?
Core refers to the three-five or six MAIN/key qualities from which the fraternity evolves, while Values are standards, and ethics speak rights and wrongs, acceptable and unacceptable, appropriate and inappropriate...
While recognizing the journey of this unique invention -- from whence it came to how it gained a marginal degree of recognition -- a major part of the 20th century was challenged/hindered presumably marred by the who, what, why, and evidently the where. Many would draw reference to mindset, behavior, personal hygiene, appearance (of many), lack of proper managerial, leadership and business skills, lack of proper vision, treatment of/lack of consideration for the instrument due to high levels of ignorance, criminal/corrupted doings, and so many other ills...its stigma so strong that cripples the easy moving-forward process.
The 'how' was the mesmerizing aspect, that if remained the biggest "secret" like that of the recipe for the Angostura Bitters (Trinidad & Tobago), the 1M-populated twin-isle may have reaped mountainous benefits that it still clamors for.
Seeing that the 'magic' has slipped out of our hands, what other aspects of 'pan' can we draw upon to maximize strength?
Everyone, and I literally mean, everyone, today, plays pan!
As the veil of scorn fades, the prominent ones or those that frowned have eventually realize that pan is an instrument, and a most significant one at that. People gravitate to quality, popularity, healthy uniqueness, worldliness...stardom, hence the reason why anywhere in the world the instrument is experienced, its players are celebrated, looked-up to.
Then, what could the problem be?
Sandra L Blood
Life Skills Consultant
In pan since 1974, and proud!