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 I just learned that a fellow by the name of CYRIL MATTHEWS, not sure of his first name just recently published a book about North Stars. He is said to be from upper Bournes Road in St.James, P O S. He claims he played with North Stars and knows Tony well.I want to know if JJJ knows this fellow and why he allowed him to write his book before him. I been telling JJJ for years write the history, he kept hemming and hoaring, dilly dallying, now look wha happen. I hatta buy this man book. JJJ lemme hear your thoughts on this one.

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Win a New Low C Tenor Pan and More

The Codrington Pan Family is giving away a new low C tenor pan at their upcoming concert.

The concert takes place on Saturday 14th October, 2017 at the Teaching and Learning Complex (TLC), UWI at 7pm. Tickets cost $150 for adults and $75 for Children.

The first person to sell 25 tickets will be the winner of the tenor pan.

Please check out our Facebook page for more info about the concert and how you can win other prizes. ;12393756460?profile=original

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Time for a Real US National Steel Pan Organization

I've been told on several occasions that there is a National Steel Pan Organization but I'm still waiting to see the evidence of such an organization.  There are thousands of Pan Players across this country including those is Schools, Colleges and State and local bands, not even counting the individuals not associated with a band.  I would have thought that what happened in New York would have brought the "National Organization" out - looking out for the interest of the players and intervening with WIADCA on their behalf. 

My concern are all the young players who are left with a bad taste in their mouths after this fiasco - why should they want to be involved if they are not even appreciated on a basic level by the people who try to run what is the largest Pan Competition in the US.  Its 2017 and this blatant disrespect by WIADCA was allowed - can you imagine 5 or 10 years from now??. 

Unfortunately thats not the only Pan issue going on in NY - When I learned to play pan - I was told that the band I learned to play with was my Pan family, and like most families, loyalty is expected.  I'm seeing that this is not the rule in NY - players are abandoning their home bands for other bands without even a discussion as to why they are leaving.  I'm not saying players don't have the right to play with whoever they want too - I'm saying give respect where it is due.

With the challenges the NY Pan world have to go through - the last thing I would think it needs is disrespect among the Band Leaders and the players.

Time to pull it together people, talk is just talk - a bunch of hot air that goes nowhere.

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random thoughts

I just saw where a woman trying to disrupt some groups preparations for the Labour Day parade. This will always happen because our people don't publicise  the value and importance of our events. The labour parade puts millions of dollars in revenue in the coffers of NYC.Pan in particular helps keep a lot of people from mischief Music is one of the intelligences and especially with youth improves the operation of the brain, Concerning my new book I didn't give any details, but I will do so now. It chronicles events ,personal experiences and memories of the badjohn days and pan playing mas and pan on the streets as well as programmes in schools and notes on inventors of certain aspects of pan development. If you really LOVE pan it's a must read If I may say so myself. As Bob Gittens used to say if Gabriel don't blow his own trumpet nobody will do it for him.

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