Liam Teague and Arturo Tappin "Pump me up", "D'kid"

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Pan virtuoso Liam Teague has produced several fine calypso jazz albums, and this collaboration with Barbadian saxophonist Arturo Tappin is a good example of his work.Tappin has been described as one of the smoothest jazz saxophonists ever from the Caribbean, and he delivers on this album.Here , are two fine calypso jazz selections from Teague and Tappin's album "T'nT" - Edwin Yearwood's " Pump me up" and Liam's composition "D'Kid"On this album , Liam Teague is featured on tenor pan and double seconds, Arturo Tappin on saxophones and flute, and Nicholas Brancker on drum programming, bass and keyboards.A very enjoyable album. Do add it to your collection if you can.

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  • Nice !

  • I have this CD and really enjoy it when I am relaxing at home or driving alone in my car. Truly a dynamic Caribbean duo. Thanks for the music, Liam and Arturo.

  • Beautiful blend of vibes. Flutin' pantastic!

  • What a beautiful combination of the pan and the flute. Nice tempo to this tune .Sounding good.

  • What a nice blend of the instruments. I am now forced to replay the whole CD...previously catching dust.

    Thanks Glen for featuring this collaboration of fine artistes.

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