Pan Times's Discussions (7521)

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Steelpan for the digital age

Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Johann Chuckaree's Indigisounds redefines the national instrument

Johann ChuckareeTrinidad & Tobago, W.I. - At the age of 29, Johann Chuckaree, runs different businesses and juggles that with a demanding performance schedule. His advice

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Pan Trinbago HQ site an ‘eyesore’


Peters said to the gathered pannists, “That eyesore that we have going up on the highway...that should never be. I am one to tell them, and I told the president that too, I said the day I become the Minister of Culture in this country again...if Pan

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Teaching with empathy

Newsday -- TTUTA

In our classrooms we have children who will become proud professionals but there are also the dancers, athletes, tailors, artists, mechanics, pannists, and costume designers. But our education system has lost touch with a large secti

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Panorama Memories

A Panorama Memory...
Founded by Patrick Arnold in 1955, Our Boys stunned the Tobago steelband fraternity in 1974 when it changed its Panorama tune from Sparrow’s ‘Miss Mary’ two weeks before the Panorama competition to Shadow’s ‘Bassman’ and ran away

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