Pan Times's Discussions (7500)

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Pan and more pan

The Trinidad Guardian

Invaders sets the stage for Versatility concert


ppan.jpgTrinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Perhaps it was the $50 admission charged but the turnout at last Friday’s Pan Night, at bpTT Renegades pan theatre, on Charlotte Street, Port-of-Spain,

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On the wings of birdsong

The Trinidad Guardian

Wind and percussion in full flow at birdsong Academy’s recent concert.Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Natural birdsong has therapeutic qualities; we may hear peripherally but still absorb some of those sweet improvisations and calls. Similarly, to judge by responses in the packed-out auditorium of Queen

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Our festivals essence

by Rubadiri Victor

Trinidad Express

The only way to preserve festival essence whilst transforming into a larger event is to return to the source — and to engineer growth from out of the principles that were sacred to the festival from the beginning.

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Veterans tell of badjohn pan days

The Trinidad Guardian

The “badjohns,” from left, Rawle Dove of Starlift, Rudy Marshall and Keith Moore of RenegadesTrinidad & Tobago, W.I. - A comprehensive and vivid dissertation on the birth and development of pan, and the formation of Pan Trinbago, was delivered last Wednesday night, at bpTT Renegades pan theatre on Charlotte Street, Port

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