Queen Mother A Desperadoes Fan!
When Steel Talks - News Reboot - March 11, 2011
.Among the other surprises in the collection are records by The Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, a steelband from Trinidad...
But her private music
When Steel Talks - News Reboot - March 11, 2011
.Among the other surprises in the collection are records by The Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, a steelband from Trinidad...
But her private music
To all the When Steel Talks members who call Japan home, our thoughts are with you.
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Lessons In Steel
by Queen Macoomeh
Canada - Ah learn dat Renegades form in 1948. Ah learn it had women in de bacchanal since in de earlies. Ah read about men like Stephen "Goldteeth" Nicholson and Cecil "Dead" Hinkson. Ah read about Doctor Rat and
Once again, Pan Trinbago is inviting steelpan aficionados to relive the blink/bmobile National Panorama Finals 2011 through the DVD and CD productions.
Two disc sets featuring the Medium and Large Conventional Bands in the case of the DVDS while th
Read more…Destra, Iwer and Blaxx are among the “champs” featured this Saturday (March 12th) as Pan Trinbago stages its annual Champz of Steel +Plus at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, from 8:00pm.
The popular soca stars, champions in their own right
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Women’s Contribution to the
Steelband Movement
by Merle Albino-de Coteau
Trinidad - In the 1940’s, during our childhood we were fortunate to hear and appreciate in our neighbourhood a beautiful musical sound produced by a small pan played by Carl
PAT BISHOP - A Person In Pan
by Pat Bishop
A When Steel Talks Exclusive
Trinidad - I can’t say that gender has been a factor in my pan yard activities – which now span so long a period of time that I’ve forgotten when it all started!
I remember on
Panorama Notes
by Dalton Natine
Trinidad & Tobago - The 2011 Panorama wormed its way through the Carnival, resistant to salt in its wounds. So it didn’t fold and die. Or tip open a Pandora’s Box of unbridled angst.
Panorama came home and made us c
Read more…Congrats to Katzenjammers & Valley Harps - 2011 Medium Band Joint Panorama Champions
click for Panorama 2011Results: Medium Category - http://www.panonthenet.com/tnt/2011/results/2011summaryresults.htm#medium
Read more…Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars - 2011 Large Band Conventional Category
click for Panorama 2011 Results: Large Band category -http://www.panonthenet.com/tnt/2011/results/2011summaryresults.htm#large
Read more…After a horrendous performance in 2010 for the national panorama in Trinidad and Tobago,video production and post-production company Advance Dynamics stepped up to the plate and delivered a quality product in its live internet broadcast of the event.
Read more…Q: Let’s go back to Boogsie for a moment. You started to say earlier that he is an anomaly...
Robertson: Boogs
Last evening’s event at the Larry Gomes Stadium Car Par, Arima, also f
Read more…San Juan East Side Symphony is the undisputed blink/bmobile Nation
Read more…My Take Panorama 2011
by Leon Thomas
Global - There is a lot of good music being played. Bands in the Small and Medium category are making extreme and positive strides. However, the Large Bands have maintained their descent towards mediocrity. This y
Small, Medium & Large Steel Orchestras - Finals: Order of Appearance - Trinidad & Tobago Panorama 2011
Global - This year eleven bands instead of ten, in the small steel orchestra category, moved on to the Panorama Finals because of two “tied” positi
Police intimidation of Southern Marines Steel band Foundation in Trinidad & Tobago - the “Home of Pan”?
Trinidad, W.I. - Is the music community being targeted for playing their National Instrument? Michael Joseph, president of Southern Marines Stee
Read more…Katzenjammers and Hope Pan Groovers rule Tobago Panorama for 2011 - Results
Tobago, W.I. - For those steelband music lovers who could not make it to the beautiful island of Tobago in the Caribbean, a special musical experience was provided to the gl