Trinidad All Stars: Four Generations of Sailors
From the 1930’s under the leadership of people like “Sagiator” Drayton to Eric Stowe, “Big-Head” Hamilton Thomas, Prince Batson and Neville Jules the great Trinidad All Stars has remained firmly committed to the Carnival Arts. This band from Hell Yard could not do otherwise, it is their CORE VALUE, their raison d’etre, the reason to be. The following is a quotation from their hopefully soon-to-be-published History Book titled: “Men, Mettle & Metal – the Birth of Steel-Drum Music and the History of Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra: “The lesson to be learnt is that Panorama should not be the ‘be-all and end-all’ for steelbands that are serious about the Carnival tradition and their institutional presence therein; furthermore, that the commitment to this tradition and to such a presence during Carnival pays off at the end of the day. All Stars has gained tremendously from such a commitment; every year collecting prize monies both for playing music and masquerading at the various judging points while other steelbands simply fold up after Panorama and J’ouvert until the following year. All Stars has over the years reaped a financial bonanza as a result and has been placed on a sound financial footing that is unmatched by any other steelband…” Beresford Hunte, the present Captain is never tired of saying to reporters that “All Stars is not a Panorama band, All Stars is more than that, much more…” In 2012, All Stars placed 6th in the Band of the Year competition, in 2013, the band was placed 3rd, now in 2014, it is the Band of the Year. It was not a fluke, not a surprise to anyone following the trajectory. The section leaders must be commended for their efforts and, most of all, tribute must be extended to the section of young Drum-Majorettes who performed at the front of the band on both days; amongst them were the grand-children and great grand-children of ‘Big-Head’ Hamilton Thomas namely Ms Lorraine Lamont, Mallorey-Marie Elizabeth Lamont and Alexxandria-Maria Shaniah Lamont – the fourth generation of Sailors from Hell Yard. All praises!
Bukka Rennie.
Mr Young,
What's that? 'Carnival is colour'? Are you serious? Have you the effrontery to reduce all of what carnival is, was, and means to so much of us, into one word -- 'colour'?
Think again about the history and evolution of this cultural phenomenon and then apologize to all of Trinidad!
(Remember the year when Minshall won a band of the year title using lots of cloth and pure kinetics and imagery evoked through movement?) Ahh! Carnival!
I admit to having a soft spot for the All Stars presentation, as a man who when a teenager played my first mas in 1960 and 61 in 'The Fleet's In'. But what enthralled me was the care the section leaders took in presenting the mas: the king sailors doing bits of the kingsailor dance that i thought was going to die., right through the authenticity of the carnival presentation of the admiralty, etc.
One think I missed, Although they may claim it would have been out of place in this particular band, I wished I could see firemen with their pokers doing authentic fireman dancing with their acrobatics.
BUT you may be right! All stars did possibly have a godfather somewhere. But it is not in a 'high place' It is in the hearts and souls of the judges and in so many of us. The godfather resides in our viscera, our emotional memory and in our inborn 'fee'l for our cultural heritage This band was an authentic Trinidad and Tobago Carnival band. It would have been odd and out of place in any other Carnival: Brazil, New Orleans, Jamaica, wherever. It took us band to the days when carnival was a soul thing. Men were 'playing mas' this time, as you say 'sailor mas' but still mas. This was not a BBF band where when on stage women would turn their bare (or almost bare ) backsides to the audience -- sometimes on their knees -- and shake and wine and grine them and so 'play themselves' (regrettably a less beautiful aspect of themselves) I even saw some men in tights doing the same.
This kind of mas playing, even if sometimes colorful, is much less true mas, than the white of the sailor. Until we once again develop creative artists of the mas like Minshall, Bailey, Saldenha, or the old wirebenders and craftsmen in copper we should continue to have other authentic Carnival masquerade bands win the trophy!
Mr Bukka,
Thanks for the education.
I played with All Stars in 1960 (left for New York in 1965), I didn't get the feeling that they even thought of Band of the Year. The emphasis seems more on what "BOMB" they would drop that year or any year for that matter. Let's examine what was said by my fellow Trinidadians regarding All Stars being ignored all those years in the past. Who were they up against then? George Bailey,Harold Saldina,Mac Williams. Did you really expect a Sailor Band to beat out these guys? Are you kidding? Why in 2014? The answer is simple. Check out what has happened to Carnival as we knew it in Trinidad today. It's dominated by a non creative group of people who copied Brazilian Carnival hijacked it for their own enjoyment and money making venture sell it on the internet and call it "Party Bands" and not interested in the competition at the Queen's Park Savannah. It's a money making operation.Just like Brazil the Carnival was created by the former slaves and now we know who controls it. It's the direction the entire country is going. Those who want to bury their heads in the sand could continue to do so at their own peril. Trinidad has become the country of the "Haves and the Have Nots" and it is evident in Carnival. Pool Parties? Just shining a light on the subject.
Valentine, I had a lot of respect for you and your contributions to our culture on WST. However I have lost all respect for you for opening your mouth and spouting so much nonsense. First, All Stars presentation 2014 was.Sailors On Shore Leave At A Tropical Fiesta NOT a Sailor band as you alluded to.Second, NCC changed the judging rules 2014, were judged Monday and Tuesday and points for both days were tallied, hence the reason for the presentation Sailors On Shore Leave At A Tropical Fiesta a combination of both days presentation.Third, All Stars first section was Sailors in Red the second to last section was blue, just to mention a few this was not done in previous years. Fourth, All Stars Tropical Fiesta on Monday emcompassed all the colors you can ever imagine.Finally can I suggest you find a Godfather in high places to check your facts for you before you begin shooting S..T from between your lips
I agree, DJ.
I applaud Bukka Rennie for putting it in perspective.
All Stars could be looked upon as an example by other steelbands as to how we can begin to retake "our" carnival.
Maybe other big name bands could team up with other medium and small bands in united efforts to really bring steelband driven mas back on the road.
Amazing facts Bukka. While members and supporters continue to be ecstatic over this turn of events, my personal hope is that the whole steelband movement, and the wider community can be mature enough to overlook any personal bias or allegiance and learn something from this institution's vision, committment and approach towards its carnival responsibilities. Indeed, there is something special going on here.
Look whey de band reach!!! For all those who ask "Whey Pan Reach?"
Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra on their most recent victory 'Band of the Year'. As a supporter for the past forty plus years and also having brought sections in the late sixties and continues to be a masquerader with the band, I could easily endorse the sentiments expressed. Thank you for being the BEST Steel Orchestra in the world. I love it.