NO PROMISES!!! Now he is singing about a woman who kept putting him off with false promises. I want you broaden the scope of the message and apply it to PROMISES in GENERAL in recent weeks. Wink! Wink! you know what I mean!!!
A look at the steel drum's infiltration into hip-hop production.
By now, you’ve probably heard “ZEZE,” the tropical banger that marks Kodak Black’s second track since his release from prison. It’s production, by way of D.A.
LAKE WORTH, Fla. - A beloved, elderly musician is robbed while playing music in downtown Lake Worth and now, the community is rallying together to help him.
Supa Peter is 77-years-old and has been playing the steel drums in downtown for years.
How I long for the GOOD OLD DAYS when MICHAEL JOSEPH used to come at least once a week on this THIS FORUM and give us long and informed updates on the state of PAN and PAN TRINBAGO down in THE MECCA.
But, now, under this NEW ADMINISTRATION all I coul
At the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PAN in 2015 one PRESENTER told a story of working his fingers to the bone and finally getting some MINI-PANS into the TOYS R US stores in the UNITED STATES. The PANS sold out like HOT CAKES and his dream came true w
Absolutely no freebees this year. No complementary tickets to the 2019 Panorama. None for the NCC, none for the government, None for the other ministries, none for the gangstas and none for Robert Amar. None, none, none. It will be
How can we expect to have any kind of relationship with this organization if we are hostile toward it's leader after just a few days. A little RESPECT could go a long way.
"A visit to Panyard Inc., one of the Kenmore neighborhood's burgeoning music businesses, is as much a lesson in the history of steel pan drums as a look inside the Akron company."
And once dem young faces get sworn in come January (3rd), I am sure that they are going to fight tooth and nail to TAKE DOWN NANCY from the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE job after she did all the heavy lifting to stop the RED WAVE.
“Actually, there’s a story here,” Narell lets on, “but not the one you think. I’m working on a project with Ellie and Darren Dyke (one of the tuners he’s trained). We are sampling the whole steel band, one note at a time, to create virtual instrument